Our purpose is our process.

Join us before service every Sunday with coffee and fellowship in the lobby.

Service is at 10:30am but the coffee is at 10:00am!

(Our service is on Facebook Live, too!)


Inspiring and Relevant Messages

We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and every message preached should spring from its truths. We believe that lives are changed when God’s word is proclaimed so we proclaim it every Sunday with boldness and passion. J.A.M. is a believing church, we believe anything is possible! We believe miracles still happen! We believe God’s word is still relevant! We believe lives are changed every week! We believe everyone is welcome in His House!!


Engaging Worship Experience

Worship is our direct response to God's calling.

At Jesus Alive Ministries, we strive every week to cultivate and develop an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our Savior. It is our mission to lead others humbly and reverently into the presence of God through the glorifying of His Great Name.


Community Outreach

Jesus Alive Ministries believes in community and there is no better way to show the community you care than to be involved.

Please visit us at jam.church to submit prayer requests and to give.

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Listen In.

Weekly sermons are hosted exclusively at Podbean. Make sure to download the Podbean app on your Apple or Android device if you missed out on Sunday’s message or you just need the mid-week pick-me-up.


Prayer Card

How can we pray for you?


(717) 762-5300